Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock CSD

Middle/High School

  The Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock Consolidated School District was established in 1959 as part of the initial wave of school consolidation in the state of Iowa. At that time, the school consisted of four buildings in three communities. The high school was located in Rockford on the current school site, and a separate elementary was located near downtown. Both Rudd and Marble Rock maintained their own elementary and junior high buildings. Class sizes of nearly 100 students were common as the baby boom generation moved through school in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. This configuration was starkly altered in 1989 when the high school was destroyed in a winter fire. That tragedy brought about unexpected benefits as it prompted the district to construct a single site, K-12 school, which started classes in the fall of 1992. By having a single physical plant, the district created staffing efficiencies that allowed the school to avoid confronting the painful decisions of many small districts concerning closure of buildings and further consolidation for the last twenty-three years. However, during that time the district has experienced a drastic decline in enrollment. In the past decade, RRMR has lost nearly 25% of its school population, bringing it to a point where cuts in personnel and programs are the next steps, as other options to reduce expenditures have been exhausted.

RRMR has a proud tradition of educational excellence and prominent graduates. Notable Rockford alumni include: Bridges of Madison County author, Robert Waller, Saving Private Ryan actor, Jeremy Davies, and highly decorated Navy Seal, Jon Tumilson, who was part of Seal Team 6 and lost his life when his helicopter crashed in Afghanistan. His services were held in the school gym. The community, staff, and student body of RRMR are very proud of its academic excellence and the success of its students when they go out into the world.

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